Editora Pergaminho has acquired Portuguese rights of this book written by John Penberthy and Illustraded by Laurie Barrows. 'To Bee or not To bee' was originally published by Sterling Publishers in New York, that has re-launched the book this fall in a paperback edition.
Laced with wise aphorisms and richly illustrated with Chinese water color-style illustrations, To Bee or not to Bee makes an endearing gift book.
Great spiritual teachers speak not of learning more, but of letting go, of surrendering. This can be difficult for adults because the familiar is so, well…familiar.
But the young…they’re more present and open and have less to unlearn. To Bee or Not to Bee is an inspirational story of such innocent wisdom and how it leads one young worker bee to spiritual awakening.
Foreign rights sold up to now include:

Spanish (Latin America: Editorial Diana; Spain: Ediciones Luciérnaga),
Catalan (Pòrtic),
German (DTV),
Italian (Sperling & Kupfer Editori),
Portuguese (Brazil: Academia de Intelligencia/ Portugal: Bertrand),
Romanian (Editura Mix),
Slovenian (Zalozba Eno),
Japanese (PHP Institute),
Simplified Chinese (China Citic Press),
Complex Chinese (Business Weekly Publications), Indonesian (Gramedia Pustaka Utama),
Vietnamese (Tri Viet Publishing)
and Korean (MaksMedia).
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