dissabte, 30 de juliol del 2011

Juan Esteban Constain e Ismael Martínez Biurrun, Galardonados en la Semana Negra de Gijón

Nos alegra anunciar que dos autores representados por SalmaiaLit han sido premiados en la edición de este año de la Semana Negra, en Gijón: Juan Esteban Constain, por ¡Calcio!, e Ismael Martínez Biurrun, por 'Mujer abrazada a un cuervo'.

Aquí tenéis la foto de los ganadores de los Premios de la Semana Negra de Gijón.

El Celsius a la mejor novela de fantasía y ciencia-ficción recayó en Ismael Martínez Biurrun por la obra Mujer abrazada a un cuervo , centrada en la investigación de la maldición que asuela a una familia cuyos hijos llevan varios siglos naciendo muertos a causa de la peste.

El Espartaco, que reconoce la mejor novela histórica, fue para el colombiano Juan Esteban Constaín, uno de los grandes descubrimientos de la edición de este año, por ¡Calcio! , donde el autor encuentra los orígenes del fútbol nada menos que en la Italia renacentista.

divendres, 22 de juliol del 2011



Originally published in Germany by Thiele Verlag (hardcover)/ Piper Verlag (paperback) (336 pp.)

“The story that I would like to tell begins with a smile. It ends in a small
restaurant in Saint-Germain-des-Prés, exactly there where the heart of
Paris beats ...” (from: The Smile of Women)

More than 25.000 copies sold in Germany. Righst previously sold sold to: St. Martin’s Press (English World Rights), Espasa (Spanish), Feltrinelli (Italian), Arena (Dutch), Columna (Catalan) and The Enthusiast (Bulgarian).

A romantic story of confusion between art and cuisine. A light-hearted novel about the wonderful delirium of love. A story told with Parisian charm – too wonderful not to be true.

There are no coincidences! Aurélie Bredin, who has taken over her father’s restaurant Le Temps des Cerises after his death, is sure of this truth. On a fateful Friday in November when Aurélie is feeling more depressed than ever before, she discovers a novel in a bookshop entitled The Smile of the Women. Intrigued, she comes across a sentence that refers to her own small restaurant.

After reading the entire story, Aurélie no longer wants to die. Instead, she wishes more than anything to meet the author of the novel because she is convinced that, without even realizing it, he has saved her life. She would like to show her appreciation and invite him to her small, charming restaurant that apparently he is already familiar with. However, her wish proves to be a difficult, almost impossible, endeavour. All attempts to contact the shy English author through his French publishers are blocked by the company’s gruff editor-in-chief, André, who only with great reluctance forwards her enthusiastic letter.

Aurélie refuses to give up, however, and when one day a letter from the reclusive author actually lands in her post box, the encounter that eventually takes place is completely different from what she had ever imagined …

- L’amour à la Barreau: Turbulent, amusing and inspiring. For all readers of novels by Anna Gavalda and Marc Levy

Nicolas Barreau (born 1980, Paris) studied romanistic languages and literature at the Sorbonne. He worked in a bookshop on the Rive Gauche in Paris but is far from an inexperienced bookworm. With his two previous and successful novels published by Thiele Publishers The Woman in my Life (2007) and You’ll Find Me at the End of the World, he has gained an enthusiastic audience.

(Rights handled on behalf of Thiele Verlag)

dimarts, 19 de juliol del 2011

First good reviews about the French edition of 'Modotti', by Ángel de la Calle

The first good reviews about the French edition of 'Modotti', by Ángel de la Calle (Vertige Graphic, 2011) are coming in. And we are happy to see how brillant they are:

Vous aimez les romans ? les biographies ? les bandes dessinées ? les livres d’histoire ? l’art moderne ? la révolution ? Vous adorerez Tina Modotti, le personnage-titre du livre publié par Vertige Graphic et Envie de Lire"

A travers ce portrait de vingt ans, il peut rendre compte de la lutte des grandes idéologies, dans ses moments les plus forts : montée du fascisme en Allemagne, mort de Trotsky, épuration stalinienne, pacte germano-soviétique… C’est aussi l’occasion de dresser la liste des personnalités historiques qui compte à ses yeux, car Tina les a tous rencontrés : Dos Passos, Frida Kahlo, Eisenstein, Aragon… De la Calle fantasme même quelques rencontres de plus, pour pouvoir caser Walter Benjamin ou James Joyce.

Cet ouvrage est un bijou de 250 pages en dessins et textes noir et blanc, comme un clin d’œil à ses seulement 250 photographies, où transparaissent des extraits de «Guernica» de Pablo Picasso comme de «Espagne, écarte de moi ce calice» de César Vallejo (...) «Tina Modotti», à lire, à faire lire.

"Quel magnifique album, que ce « Tina Modotti » d’Ángel de la Calle récemment paru chez Vertige Graphic ! Assurément l’une des très belles surprises de cette année 2011, qui mérite toute notre attention… Un ouvrage d’une rare intelligence, profond et exigeant, libre et passionné. À lire absolument."

dimarts, 5 de juliol del 2011

otra buena reseña sobre 'Breve historia de un amor eterno'

En el siguiente link (aquí) podéis leer la reseña completa que en la web Llegir en cas d'incendi han dedicado a 'Breve historia de un amor eterno', de Szilard Rubin (publicada por Editorial Backlist).

Aquí os dejamos unos cuantos fragmentos de ésta y otras reseñas sobre la novela: ‎

* “una de las cumbres de una de las literaturas más exquisitas (y peor conocidas) de la vieja Europa: la húngara. (...) Estamos ante una de las más poderosas e inquietantes novelas de amor que hoy pueblan nuestra abarrotada mesa de novedades. Nobleza obliga a decirlo y a celebrarlo. Emparentada con los psicodramas que Francis Scott Fitzgerald llevó a sus más altas cotas, y tan ácida y desolada como las novelas de madurez de Philip Roth, Breve historia de un amor eterno nace como una exquisita radiografía social, se convierte en una sucia lección de anatomía y acaba convirtiéndose, para pasmo del lector, en un descenso a los infiernos de la pasión más antigua y venerable: el amor sexual. (...)Muchos escritores magníficos se han estrellado al acercarse al amor como tema. Unos, por falta de tacto; otros, por exceso de él. Desconocemos si Rubin fue grande en otros libros, pero en este rozó el misterio de la belleza y el terror, ese que rara vez se concede al genio literario, y lo hizo con concisión y sin necesidad de experimentos.
- Ricardo Menéndez Salmón (autor)

* “Una narración cruda y descarnada de un amor de juventud tempestuoso y apasionado que es puesto a prueba por la dureza de la posguerra, las diferencias sociales, los traumas y las inseguridades. El autor hace un ejercicio de contención ante unas circunstancias extremas, provocando con este contraste que la narración gane una fuerza única.”
- Llegir en cas d’incendi

* "Excelente novela (...) Como en todas las novelas verdaderamente importantes, en ella cabe el mundo"

'El anticuario' (The Antiques Dealer), by Julián Sánchez, is out in Germany

'El anticuario' (The Antiques Dealer), by Julián Sánchez, is out in Germany, published in hardcover by Limes Verlag (RH Group).

About El anticuario:
-‘A compelling novel (...) in many ways superior to The Davinci CodeLibrary Journal (USA)
-‘A lesson of good writing’ La Gazetta del Mezzogiorno (Italy)
-‘A thriller that stands by the Barcelona of Ruiz Zafón and Falcones’ L’Unione (Italy).

This is a novel about a secret, a murder, a search, a love story and an adventure all over the streets of a mysterious Barcelona. A story of intrigue, suspense and search of the truth.

Playing with past an present, Julian Sánchez has written a fascinating novel of mystery and adventures in which the reader is literally swept away by the plot. The building of the Cathedral of Barcelona, a cold and ambitous killer, the kabbalistic tradition and the many secrets hidden in 15th C. Barcelona’s Jewish quarter will take the reader’s breath away to the very last page.

Rights sold:

German (RH/Limes Verlag), Dutch (Uit. Q), Italian (Einaudi Stile Libero), Portuguese/Brazil (Record), Polish (Swiat K.), Greek (Livanis), Russian (AST), Czech (Jota), Romanian (Allfa), Chinese (Shangai 99).

dilluns, 4 de juliol del 2011

The French edition of 'Modotti' is already out!

The French edition of the graphic novel 'Modotti. Una mujer del siglo XX', by Ángel de la Calle, has just been published in France, where it has been published by Vertige Graphic.

Tina Modotti was a woman of the 20th Century: photographer, actress, muse to writers and artists, politically engaged, free, poliphacetic, and witness to many important events and artistical landmarks.

Editorial SinSentido published in Spain this graphic biography of this extraordinary character created (text & illustrations) by Ángel de la Calle: 'Modotti: Una mujer del siglo XX'

De la Calle tells us about Tina Modotti's life, a continuing adventure. She arrived to US from Italy and became a beautiful Hoolywood star at an early age, and then she moved to the post-revolutionary Mexico with her friend and lover Edward Weston, where she became actively engaged with the communist party, took thousands of photographs and also became the lover of almost as many men... she also was friends with artists of her time such as Mayakovsky, Bernard Tavern, Antonio Machado, Neruda, Diego Rivera, John Dos Passos, Frida Khalo...

She lived her time, from the glamourous 'Belle Epoque' to the Europe of the Totalitarisms in the 1930s, lived in France, Russia, Spain during the Civil War and flew back to Mexico escaping from Franco. She died there years after, alone and in a taxi.

In 'Modotti' Ángel de la Calle becomes himself a character who incidentally finds a picture of Tina Modotti and starts investigating about her life. Thus, the book becomes not only a biography of the photographer but also a hooking voyage of discovery, admiration and devotion towards her personality and her work.

Tina Modotti's life, now revisited by Ángel de la Calle in this magnificent graphic novel, stands alone as an example, and a lesson, of personal freedom.

Translation rights have already been sold in Italy (001 Edizioni), Germany (Rotbuch), France (Vertige Graphic) and in Brazil (Conard, 2008).

Modotti has received countless awards in Spain, amongst them to the ‘Best Work and Best Script at the Barcelona Comic Salon in 2004’; ‘Best script in 2006’ and the prestigious Critics Award to the Best Spanish Work (2006).