dimecres, 29 de juny del 2011

Editorial Salto de Página adquiere los derechos de la nueva novela de Ismael Martínez Biurrun: ‘El escondite de Grisha’.

Editorial Salto de Página sigue apostando por la narrativa de Ismael Martínez Biurrun adquiriendo los derechos de publicación de su nueva novela, ‘El escondite de Grisha’, cuya publicación está programada para Otoño de 2011.

Ismael Martínez Biurrun (Pamplona, 1972) es licenciado en Periodismo y compagina la escritura de novelas con el desarrollo de guiones cinematográficos. Su primera novela, Infierno nevado (Equipo Sirius, 2006) es una fantasía histórica basada en el universo de H. P. Lovecraft y ambientada en los Pirineos en el siglo I a.C. En 2008 se publicó su segunda novela, Rojo alma, negro sombra (451 editores), que obtuvo el Premio Celsius a la mejor obra nacional de fantasía en la Semana Negra de Gijón de 2009, así como el Premio Nocte de la Asociación Española de Escritores de Terror.

En 2010, Editorial Salto de Página publicó su novela ‘Mujer abrazada a un cuervo’, que ha sido seleccionada como una de las novelas finalistas del Premio Celsius a la mejor obra nacional de fantasía publicada en 2010. El ganador de dicho premio se dará a conocer a finales del próximo mes de Julio en Gijón, durante la Semana Negra.

Entre otras cosas, de ‘Mujer abrazada a un cuervo’ se ha dicho:

“Biurrun es un autor con voz propia, de los que bucean en lo atávico y apelan al inconsciente colectivo. Sigan su sombra.” Ricard Ruiz, Qué Leer.

“Una novela gótica que tiende un puente entre un presente lleno de teléfonos móviles y nuevas enfermedades (bulimia y anorexia) y un pasado abrumado por la plaga maldita y el fanatismo (...) El autor domina el lenguaje fantástico y la descripción de un pasado atribulado, sectario y ciego.” Lluís Satorras, El País/Babelia

Ismael Martínez Biurrun también ha participado con sus relatos en las antologías Visiones (AEFCFT, 2006), Hombre Lobo (451 editores, 2008) y Aquelarre (Salto de Página, 2010).

¡Os iremos informando sobre ‘El escondite de Grisha’!

dijous, 9 de juny del 2011

On the rocks! Martini Shoot by F.G. Haghenbeck starts being praised in France

The French magazine Les Inrockuptibles calls ‘Trago amargo’ “Un thriller mexicain hyper cool” and devotes a full page to it. The novel, by F.G. Haghenbeck has recently been published in France by Éditions Denoël under the title ''Martini Shoot''
More info (here)

dilluns, 6 de juny del 2011

¡Calcio!, by Juan Esteban Constaín has been shortlisted for the 'Espartaco Award to the Best Historical Novel published in 2010'.

¡Calcio!, by Juan Esteban Constaín, is one of the three novels shortlisted for the 'Espartaco Award to the Best Historical Novel published in 2010'. The award will be announced during the Semana Negra in Gijón, next July. The Candidates are:

* Miguel Bonasso, Argentina: La venganza de los patriotas. Published by Planeta Argentina.
* Juan Esteban Constaín, Colombia: ¡Calcio! Published by Seix Barral Colombia.
* Cristina Sánchez-Andrade, Spain: Los escarpines de Kristina de Noruega. Published by Roca.


¡Calcio!, by Juan Esteban Constaín
Seix Barral Colombia (2010)
208 pp.
To be published by Seix Barral Spain in 2012

Foreign rights sold: Italy, Marco Tropea Editore

When, and why, the first football match of History was played? Shortly after WWII Professor Arnaldo Momigliano (a true character who was a Jewsih-Italian scholar exhiled in Oxford escaping from Mussolini) dared to formulate his hypothesis: In 1530, at the Santa Croce square in Florence, the first match in which players could not touch the ball with their hands took place. Everybody in Oxford is shocked at such a statement: Football, like tea time, is an English invention!

Departing from an anusing and entertaining plot line and an enchanting main character, Juan Esteban Constaín writes a novel that questions the role of Histoy and Historians by providing a story in which facts and fiction mingle to create an atmosphere of credibility. As long as you can provide a coherent and seemingly documented historical account you can manipulate History to your advantage to make people believe that what you are saying is true. And, as Italians say, ‘Se non è vero, è ben trobato’...

This is a novel that wisely combines fact and fiction to recreate what could have been the first football/soccer match (Calcio in Italian), also about the ball games that have made people happy since Ancient times. Told from the investigations and controversies of a group of historians in post World War II, for whom the origins of this sport are a national matter that threatens to resume the conflicts between the old empires.

February of 1530. The army of Charles 5th sieges Florence as a gesture og goodwill towards Pope Clement 7th (a Pope from Florence, a descendant of the Medicis), as two years before the troops of the Spanish Emperor had plundered Rome and made the Pope a prisoner. Now Florence has proclaimed itself a Republic and the Pope’s family has been deprived of power. Emperor Charles’s attempt to restitute the Medicis is, then, a way to make peace with the Pope, and grant his favours.

The city has been under siege for four months and the Emperor and the Pope await for news in Bologna. They have banned almost everything in Florence: water, wine, the Carnivals... But on February 17th the Spanish troops will witness and amazing show: ignoring the prohibition, the whole city has gathered at the Santa Croce square to defy the power and arrogance of the Empire by playing a calcio match. Then, a Spanish soldier suggests their Captain that maybe the could find another way to fight the Florentines: Instead of going on with the useless siege, why don’t they play out a match that settles who will win this war?

Juan Esteban Constaín (Popayán, Colombia, 1979) is a Historian, specialist in Classical Languages and a lecturer at the University of Rosario. He is also a contributor to several Colombian media. El naufragio del imperio was his first work of fiction.

With its forthcoming publication in Spain by Seix Barral in 2012, Juan Esteban Constaín will join one of the most prestigious lists of established and young authors writting in Spanish, where readers can find authors such as Ricardo Menéndez Salmón, Isaac Rosa, Enrique Vila-Matas, Eduardo Mendoza, Elena Poniatowska, Antonio Muñoz Molina, Elvira Lindo, Laura Fernández or Rosa Montero.

A few quotes about ¡Calcio!

* “The most recent novel by Juan Esteban Constaín confirms that we are facing a gifted author, with enormous narrative talent. His descriptions of the first football match in History have the flavour of the best Pérez-Reverte. But in his writing we find a deeper literary sense (...) ¡Calcio! manages to entertain and amuse the reader with its unquestionable literary skills” Revista Arcadia

* “It’s a truly divertimento for gentlemen. To me, if not historical, your novel is literarily plausible, and I believe it announces big things fot the future. (...) A splendid fantasy. (...) Because ¡Calcio! is entertaining, witty and funny.” Elmalpensante.com

* “A homage to Football and History, and a funny reflection on the wars historians fight in footnotes” El Espectador

* “In this novel, Juan Esteban Constaín confirms his wit by recreating a delicious fictional universe based on History.” Extroversia

divendres, 3 de juny del 2011

Uitgeverij Q (The Netherlands) acquires rights of 'La voz de los muertos', by Julián Sánhez

We are happy to announce the first international deal for the the new novel by Julián Sánchez, the author of ‘El anticuario’ (The Antiques Dealer): ‘La voz de los muertos’ was published in Spain by Rocaeditorial in May 2011. Uitgeverij Q (an imprint of Querido) will publish it in The Netherlands.

In ‘La voz de los muertos’ Barcelona’s Police inspector David Ossa faces a difficult case: a multiple murder and a suicide that have occured in Las Ramblas, right in the heart of Barcelona. Ossa soon realises that this is an especial case, with aspects that escape common sense and in which nothing is what it seems. His investigations lead him to a case from 1969, still unsolved and almost identical to the one he is trying to solve now. But when his supervisors see that the investigation is not closed quicky, they tell him to close the case and move to another thing, even if many questions would remain unanswered.

Ossa refuses to follow instructions and, in his hunt for clues and answers, will enter a dark, mysterious and captivating world of supernatural implications in which his mind will develop an unexpected and dangerous connexion with Death itself. Even at the cost of loosing his own sanity, and with all his colleagues against him, Ossa is determined to follow his investigation to the very last consequences...

Julián Sánchez was born in Barcelona in 1966 and lives in San Sebastián. His debut novel, El anticuario, was very well received and up to now it will be translated in languages such as German (RH/Limes Verlag), Dutch (Uit. Q), Italian (Einaudi Stile Libero), Portuguese/Brazil (Record), Polish (Swiat K.), Greek (Livanis), Russian (AST) or Chinese (Shangai Transl.)

'En el infierno anida la ternura', de Aher Arop Bol, ya en librerías

Ediciones Destino publica hoy 'En el infierno anida la ternura'. Con el subtítulo 'La aventura del niño africano que desafió al destino y conquistó su sueño', la historia de Aher Arop Bol arranca en 1987, cuando, con apenas tres años, perdido en la tragedia de las guerras tribales y la absoluta desolación de su país de origen, Sudán, llega a hombros de su tío a un campo de refugiados en Etiopía.

Padece hambre, sed y las penalidades más extremas. Es testigo forzoso de la crueldad humana, de asesinatos en masa, e intenta convertirlo en niño soldado. A los cinco años logra fugarse. Atraviesa ocho países y recorre 6.400 kilómetros, a menudo a pie, hasta Pretoria, la capital sudafricana, un viaje tan duro que le hace desear que le maten para dejar de sufrir.

Sin embargo, incluso en medio del infierno, el pequeño Aher Arop Bol es capaz de descubrir la belleza, la bondad y los más profundos valores de la raza humana. Las vivencias más inhumanas ―«siempre habrá gente que necesita odiar a alguien», constata― se convierten, gracias a la honestidad y sencillez de su relato, en un canto al tesón, al amor a la vida y a la esperanza.

'En el infierno anida la ternura' es, además, el testimonio de un africano que no huyó al norte, que no se rindió jamás y que desde niño creyó en el poder de la educación por encima de todo. Prueba de esa convicción es este mismo libro, escrito para costear ―junto con los ingresos que obtiene de su pequeño puesto de chucherías en Pretoria― sus estudios de abogado y los de sus dos hermanos pequeños.

«Una auténtica obra maestra.» Il Corriere della Sera

«Aher Arop Bol se ha convertido en uno de los autores más extraordinarios de la historia de la literatura africana.» The Guardian

«Un excepcional relato de dolor, desesperación y, sobre todo, de cómo sobrevivir cuando parece imposible.» Drum

Aher Arop Bol nació en una pequeña aldea en el sur de Sudán. En 1987, con tres años, pierde el rastro de sus padres durante la segunda guerra civil sudanesa, y acaba en un campo de refugiados donde pretenden convertirlo en niño soldado. Finalmente, logra huir hacia el sur y, en 2002, llega a Pretoria, la capital de Sudáfrica, y es acogido por una profesora afrikáner jubilada. Ese mismo año, descubre que sus padres aún viven en Sudán y se reencuentra con ellos por Navidad. Actualmente, Aher sigue residiendo en Pretoria, donde regenta una tienda de chucherías y cigarrillos en las inmediaciones de la estación central de la ciudad. El negocio, más la publicación de este libro, le permiten costearse la carrera de Derecho y mantener a sus dos hermanos pequeños, que ha reunido en un internado de Uganda.

dijous, 2 de juny del 2011

Grijalbo and Rosa dels Vents acquire rights of 'Die Unglaubliche Geschichte des Henry N. Brown', for publication in Spanish and Catalan in 2012

Editorial Grijalbo and Rosa dels Vents (Random House Mondadori Group) have acquired World Spanish and Catalan rights of this successful German novel by Anne Helene Bubenzer. The title could be translated into English as 'The Incredible Story of Henry N. Brown'.

The novel is published in Germany by Thiele Verlag (hardcover) and Rowoholt (paperback).

The most amazing autobiography of a small teddy-bear with a big heart who knows that love isn’t always expressed in words. A warm-hearted story of life, loss and love, seen through the eyes of a teddy-bear who gets to know not only some of his ‘owners’ very close but also the history of our last century. Teddy-bear’s philosophy at its best.

The teddy bear Henry N. Brown came into the world on 16 July 1921. He had to wait until his second eye was sewn on before he could see, but from then on his life was never dull. His travels took him on a veritable Odyssey through Europe, from England to France and onto Germany, Norway, Italy and Hungary.

This is the story of the twentieth century in times of war and peace, triumph and defeat, as witnessed by a teddy bear. Like all soft toys, Henry can’t talk or move by himself. He is a natural listener, a mirror for the human soul. His gift is to provide people with what they can’t find elsewhere.

But over the years no one realizes that Henry is carrying something inside him, something that he calls 'the love'. It’s a secret that he has kept for a lifetime, a secret that comes out in the very end when Henry causes the alarm at the Vienna airport where his new owner, a German author who bought him from an Austrian antique shop, tries to get through the security bars. A secret that will touch every reader’s heart.

Anne Helene Bubenzer, born 1973 in Hüttental/Siegen, works as a freelance writer, editor and translator.

Translation rights have also been acquired by Sperling & Kupfer Editore (Italy).

dimecres, 1 de juny del 2011

Mare Verlag will publish 'La otra isla', by Francisco Suniaga in Germany next August 2011

We are glad to announce the first international edition of 'La otra isla' (The Other Island), by Venezuelan author Francisco Suniaga. The novel will be published in Germany by Mare Verlag, under the title ''Die anderen insel'', next August 2011

8 reprints in Venezuela.
15.000 copies sold so far

La otra isla takes the structure of a detective novel and adapts it to the chaotic, unpredictable and generally unsatisfactory way in which things – anything – tend to happen in Venezuela. A German couple visit the island on holiday, fall in love with the place and make arrangements to move permanently. One day, Manfred, the husband, discovers an old warehouse where cocks are raised and trained for fighting. He becomes obsessed with it, loses interest in his business, his wife and, ultimately, even himself. Depressed, Manfred drowns in a dangerous beach, where he and Renate, his wife, have a beach bar.

The authorities see nothing out of order but Manfred’s mother in Germany receives an anonymous note claiming there has been foul play. She travels to Margarita and engages a local lawyer to find out what truly happened to her son.

An informal investigation begins, but it soon runs out of steam and ends the only way anything of the kind could end in Venezuela: in nothing.

By immersing the reader in the peculiar underworld of cock fighting with great detail and patience and exploiting the opportunity afforded to him by the presence of foreign characters in what remains a Venezuelan story, Suniaga convincingly creates a scenario where he can build the profile of the island and its people by contrasting its culture with Germany’s.

* “One of the best novels written in Venezuela.” – Correo del Caroni.

* “Suniaga understands the country and its citizens.” – Daily Herald.

Francisco Suniaga was born in Isla Margarita in 1954. La otra isla, his first novel, is one of the most successful Venezuelan novels of the last years. It was followed by El pasajero de Truman and Margarita Infanta, a collection of short stories.