diumenge, 26 de setembre del 2010

Editora Pergaminho (Portugal) will publish 'To Bee or not To Bee', by John Penberthy and Laurie Barrrows

Editora Pergaminho has acquired Portuguese rights of this book written by John Penberthy and Illustraded by Laurie Barrows. 'To Bee or not To bee' was originally published by Sterling Publishers in New York, that has re-launched the book this fall in a paperback edition.

Laced with wise aphorisms and richly illustrated with Chinese water color-style illustrations, To Bee or not to Bee makes an endearing gift book.

Great spiritual teachers speak not of learning more, but of letting go, of surrendering. This can be difficult for adults because the familiar is so, well…familiar.

But the young…they’re more present and open and have less to unlearn. To Bee or Not to Bee is an inspirational story of such innocent wisdom and how it leads one young worker bee to spiritual awakening.

Foreign rights sold up to now include: 

Spanish (Latin America: Editorial Diana; Spain: Ediciones Luciérnaga), 
Catalan (Pòrtic), 
German (DTV), 
Italian (Sperling & Kupfer Editori), 
Portuguese (Brazil: Academia de Intelligencia/ Portugal: Bertrand), 
Romanian (Editura Mix), 
Slovenian (Zalozba Eno), 
Japanese (PHP Institute), 
Simplified Chinese (China Citic Press), 
Complex Chinese (Business Weekly Publications), Indonesian (Gramedia Pustaka Utama), 
Vietnamese (Tri Viet Publishing)
 and Korean (MaksMedia).

divendres, 24 de setembre del 2010

Primers comentaris, afalagadors i entusiastes, sobre 'La novel.la de Dickens'

A sota podreu veure un resum de les frases més elogioses sobre 'La novel.la de Dickens' que han anat apareixent a la premsa aquests dies.

Resum de premsa sobre La novel·la de Dickens, de Neus Canyelles
(Proa, 2010, 174pp.)

* Una alenada de frescor, sinceritat, fantasia, amor a la vida i preferència per les coses quotidianes: la senzillesa de l’escriptura. Una novel·la sense pretensions, una mica d’imaginació literària i escrita com es parla al carrer. Suficient per emocionar-se a cada pàgina. (...)
La recreació d’una història dins d’una altra història, d’una vida dins de l’altra vida, està feta amb ofici i convicció (...) La fantasia literària ens porta a la delectança de la vida fantàstica. (...)
L’exquisidesa literària que mostra Neus Canyelles no sorpren tant si es coneix la seva obra, encara curta, però que mostra que darrere la seva prosa hi ha molt d’ofici d’escriptor i un bagatge creatiu important. Li manca el guardó bàsic: el reconeixement més ampli dels lectors. La novel·la de Dickens el pot obtenir. Se’l mereix amb escreix.
(Jordi Capdevila, Avui)

* L’estil de La novel·la de Dickens enriqueix el tot i diferencia el llibre d’altres que puguin sorgir al mercat. I la dota de qualitat literària. D’alta qualitat, val a dir-ho. (...) Tot va bé si acaba bé. 
(Carles Cabrera, Diari de Balears/Bellver)

* La autora mallorquina escribe con naturalidad y se encuentra cómoda en el tono de Cuento de Navidad. (...) Convertir el aura que ven las personas que sufren migrañas en una presencia humana es un acierto. (...) una literatura que replantea con seriedad lo que parecía superado y obsoleto, adaptándolo con las fórmulas del actual mercado afectivo. 
(Julià Guillamon, Culturas)

* Un llibre tan senzill i complex a la vegada, d’expressió del tot natural i gerda. (...) Magistral.
(Bartomeu Fiol, Diari de Balears)

* La novel·la de Dickens és una obra que sedueix per la naturalitat del to, que entrellaça vida i literatura i que consagra Neus Canyelles com una gran escriptora. Una novel·la que acompanyarà el lector fins molt després d’haver-la llegida.

* Autèntica i entranyable, senzilla i sense pretensions. 

* Els personatges de La novel·la de Dickens són herois del dia a dia i la seva proesa és sobreviure en un món on res és com voldrien.
(Marta Planes, Llegir en cas d’incendi)

dimecres, 22 de setembre del 2010

La travesía, de David López, ya en librerías

Ya ha llegado a las librerías La travesía, de David López, editada por RocaEditorial. 

Nadie a bordo del bergantín de Su Majestad Beagle sabía que la suya iba a ser 
una travesía que cambaría el curso de la Historia.

Charles Darwin no realizó solo el viaje que cambiaría las ciencias naturales para siempre. El HMS Beagle tenía otra misión, y cada uno de los hombres que lo tripulaban una historia que contar. Y eso es precisamente lo que David López nos ofrece en La travesía: Duelos a primera sangre, persecuciones a través de los Andes, tormentas en el Cabo de Hornos, la vida en los puertos de América del Sur, misiones filantrópicas condenadas al fracaso, dictadores en ciernes, pequeños universos desconocidos y chocantes para los altivos ingleses...

Al contrario que otras novelas que tratan este tema, los personajes principales 
no son ni el famoso naturalista ni el capitán del navío, Robert FitzRoy, sino dos de los tripulantes de la embarcación, George Rowlett (contador de la nave) y John Edwards Dring, su ayudante. 

Los dos parten en junto al resto de la tripulación no tanto por ansias científicas, sino para encontrarse con una mujer con la que mantienen una tórrida y clandestina relación epistolar, cuyo devenir se señala en una serie de cartas. Esta mujer vive en Valparaíso, y a medida que el barco se acerque a ese destino se irán desvelando las causas de su malestar así como parte de la convulsa situación de una América Latina en aquel entonces en pleno proceso de formación. 

‘La travesía’ tiene como hilo narrativo, amén de la anterior relación epistolar, la extraña amistad que surge entre Darwin y FitzRoy, las relaciones entre los miembros de la tripulación y el destino de un anillo que la reina Adelaida le regaló a una india fueguina. También los descubrimientos de Darwin, pero explicados más allá de las páginas de su diario. 

David López, ganador del XXII Premio Jaén de Novela, nos embarca en un viaje en el tiempo alrededor del mundo. De la mano de sus personajes, nos adentraremos en selvas brasileñas, cabalgaremos con los gauchos argentinos, navegaremos por mares tempestuosos, descubriremos las maravillas de las Galápagos y viviremos en primera persona la evolución de una historia de amor con un inesperado desenlace.

David López nació en Langreo, Asturias, en 1978. Es biólogo y analista. Debutó como autor en 2006 consiguiendo los premios Valdemembra de Novela Corta por la obra 'Otro afer de niños' (Edicones El Problema de Yorick), y el Jaén de Novela por 'El crimen de los Monegros'(Mondadori). La travesía es su tercera novela.

Atria Books/Simon & Schuster (USA) acquires World English Rights of 'Hierba Santa'

It is our pleasure that Atria Boooks/Simon & Schuster (US) has acquired World English Rights of ‘Hierba Santa’ (Sacred Herbs), by F.G. Haghenbeck, for publication in Spring 2012.

Originally published in Spanish by Editorial Planeta Mexicana (Mexico only).
Rights also sold to: Suhrkamp/Insel (Germany), Orlando Publishers/Bruna (The Netherlands), Planeta Brasil (Brazil), Shangai 99 (China).

The translator into english will be Cuban author Achy Obejas, who also translated -to much acclaim- Junot Díaz's 'The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao' (winner of the Pulitzer in 2008). 

Hierba Santa, with echoes of Magic Realism, is a vivid and tender homage to Frida Khalo, a woman who changed the course of modern art and has become an icon for many people all over the world.

A little handwritten notebook that Frida Khalo called ‘The Book of the Holy Herb’ was to be exhibited at the Palace of Fine Arts on occasion of the 100th anniversary of her birth. The notebook disappeared on the same day that the exhibition was opened...

After a severe accident in the crash of a bus and a trolley car, and after she died for the first time, Frida Khalo reaches an agreement with her Benefactress (the Death herself): Frida will be allowed to live, but, in exchange, every year she will have to prepare an offering to the Dead as a rememberance of this agreement.

Since then, Frida writes down every receipe that she prepares for the ‘Día de Muertos’ (The Day of the Dead). This is a holiday celebrated in Mexico, which focuses on gatherings of family and friends to pray for and remember friends and family members who have died. The celebration occurs on November 1st and 2nd. Traditions include building private altars honoring the deceased, using sugar skulls, marigolds, and the favorite foods and beverages of the departed, and visiting graves with these as gifts.

The receipes are gathered toghether by Frida in her beloved notebook. While year after year the ritual is repeated, Frida’s life goes on impetuously, full of rapture and pain. She meets Diego Rivera, the man whom she will marry and share her life with; but who is also the man who will mark the beginning of her second death. She lives the Mexican Revolution and the socialist upraise, a life behind the fame of her husband.

Frida loves and desires madly, but she lives on borrowed time; her aching and ruined body constantly reminds her that her Benefactress is taking away bits of her soul day after day, and that their final encounter is becoming closer.

Hierba Santa was published under the pen name of Alexandra Scheiman, but all international publishers will publish it using the author’s real name.

F.G. Haghenbeck (Mexico, 1965) is the author of acclaimed novels in Mexico, amongst which Trago amargo (winner of the National Award Una Vuelta de Tuerca) and Aliento a muerte. His novels have been translated into languages such as English, German, French, Dutch, Portuguese or Serbian.

dimarts, 14 de setembre del 2010

Shangai 99 (China) will translate 'Hierba Santa', by F.G. Haghenbeck

'Hierba Santa', by F.G. Haghenbeck, has just been acquired by Shangai 99 (China). Translation rights were recently acquired by Suhrkamp/Insel (Germany), Planeta Brasil (Brazil) and Orlando Publishers (The Netherlands) as well.

Hierba Santa was published last summer 2009 by Planeta Mexico. With echoes of Magic Realism, the novel is a vivid homage to Frida Kahlo, a woman who changed the course of modern art.

In the novel we are told that all her life Frida kept a little notebook which she called 'The Book of Hierba Santa (Holy Herb)'. In it, she wrote down not only her thoughts and ideas but also many Mexican food receipes that she prepared every 'Día de Muertos' (Day of the Dead), a holiday celebrated in Mexico to pray for and remember friends and family members who have died. Traditions connected with the holiday include preparing the favorite foods and beverages of the departed, and visiting graves with these as gifts. 

What's new and different compared to other books about Frida is that the author uses fantasy in the story: The narrator tells us that after Frida's fatal accident in a tram in her early youth (which actually happened) she dies and meets Death. Frida then reaches an agreement with Death which allows her to go back to life: Every 'Día de muertos' she has to pay a tribute to Death by cooking wonderful meals. Given this, all through the novel Frida is very conscious that Death is also part of life. This certainty gives her a special view of the world and the events that take place.

Some of Frida's favourite receipes are included in the novel towards the end of every chapter, so apart from enjoying the narrative and learning more abot Frida's life, readers can also try their culinary skills and pay their own homage to a woman that has become an icon of 20th century art and feminism.

F. G. Haghenbeck (México, 1965).
Writer and scriptwriter has worked for Televisa and for different museums. He is proud to be the only Mexican who has written scripts for Superman (DC Comics), and has also participated in the creation of Crimson (Wildstorm 1999-2001) and Alternation (Image Comics, 2004). He's the author of successful novels in Mexico, amongst which Trago amargo (Bitter Drink), which was awarded the Premio Nacional Una Vuelta de Tuerca to the best crime novel in 2006, to be published soon in France (Denoël) and Serbia (Laguna). 'Hierba santa' will also be translated in different languages such as Dutch (Orlando Publishers), German (Insel Verlag), Chinese (Shangai 99) and Portuguese (Brazil only, Planeta Brasil).

Pòrtic will publish 'To Bee or not to Bee' in Catalan

Edicions Proa, for their series Pòrtic, has acquired Catalan rights of this book written by John Penberthy and Illustraded by Laurie Barrows. 'To Bee or not To bee' was originally published by Sterling Publishers in New York, that will re-launch the book this fall in a paperback edition.

Laced with wise aphorisms and richly illustrated with Chinese water color-style illustrations, To Bee or not to Bee makes an endearing gift book.

Great spiritual teachers speak not of learning more, but of letting go, of surrendering. This can be difficult for adults because the familiar is so, well…familiar.

But the young…they’re more present and open and have less to unlearn. To Bee or Not to Bee is an inspirational story of such innocent wisdom and how it leads one young worker bee to spiritual awakening.

Foreign rights sold up to now include
Spanish (Latin America: Editorial Diana; Spain: Ediciones Luciérnaga), Catalan (Pòrtic), German (DTV), Italian (Sperling & Kupfer Editori), Portuguese (Brazil only) (Academia de Intelligencia), Romanian (Editura Mix), Slovenian (Zalozba Eno), Japanese (PHP Institute), Simplified Chinese (China Citic Press), Complex Chinese (Business Weekly Publications), Indonesian (Gramedia Pustaka Utama), Vietnamese (Tri Viet Publishing) and Korean (MaksMedia).

dijous, 9 de setembre del 2010

Spanish rights of CSIRKEJÁTÉK, by Hungarian author Szilárd Rubin, sold to Backlist

Editorial Bcklist has acquired Spanish rights of this Hungarian novel, orginally published in 1963.

Backlist will publish it in Spanish in 2011, as Hunagry will be the Invited Guest at the Feria del Libro de Madrid.

The novel was rediscovered in 2004 by the Hungarian publishing house Magveto. In the Spring of 2009 the German translation was released by Rowohlt, and gained a lot of attention in Geermany. Newspapers such as Frankfurter Allgemeine, Frankfurter Rundschau, and Spiegel among others issued rave reviews, calling the the book "one of last century's most exciting love stories", and placing it on a par with Scott Fitzgerald's THE GREAT GATSBY. The author was born in 1927 and recently died in Budapest.

This is the story of Attila and Orsolya, two young lovers in post-World War II Hungary. (The title refers to a game which first-person narrator Attila describes: players are asked to hold out sitting on rails as long as possible despite a train rushing near. His friend remarks that their lives are no different from the game.)

Attila is a poor, aspiring writer, and Orsolya is the descendant of a rich bourgeois German family. Attila felt drawn to Orsolya since they were children, but he dares speak to her for the first time only after she returns after the war from burned down Dresden to her former home town near Budapest, still marked by her recovery from Typhus. Because her family is German, their former riches are all gone. In contrast, Attila seems to emerge as a winner under the new socialist rule – so the two form an unlikely coalition turned upside down. But the obstacles Attila and Orsolya face are strikingly similar to the old days: Orsolya’s family objects to the relationship, and they quite openly point out to Attila that they don’t consider him a good match for Orsolya.

Rights, so far, have been sold to Rowoholt (Germany), Backlist (Spain) and Slovart (Slovakia).