dimecres, 11 de juliol del 2012

Destek Publishing (Turkey) acquires rights of 'Hierba Santa'/'The Secret Book of Frida Kahlo'

Destek Publishing, in Turkey, is the last international publisher to acquire rights of 'Hierba Santa' ('The Secret Book of Frida Kahlo'), by F.G. Haghenbeck. With over 45.000 copies sold in Germany (published by Insel/Suhrkamp), the novel (originally published in Mexico by Editorial Planeta) will be released in the USA by Atria Books/Simon & Schuster this fall. With this recent rights sale, the novel will be available in 12 languages

In a rich, luscious style bordering on magical realism, Haghenbeck takes readers on an intriguing ride through Frida’s life, including her long and tumultuous relationship with her lover Diego Rivera, the development of her artistic vision, her complex personality, her lust for life, and her existential feminism. The book also includes Mexican food receipes and stories about the remarkable people who were a part of her life, including Georgia O'Keeffe (with whom she had an affair), Trotsky, Nelson Rockefeller, Hemingway, Dos Passos, Henry Miller, and Dalí. 

Hierba Santa’/’The Secret Book of Frida Kahlo’  was originally published by Editorial Planeta Mexicana, (2009). 
Foreign rights have already been sold to: Atria Boooks (World Engl.), Rizzoli (Italy) Suhrkamp/Insel (Germany), Orlando Publishers/Bruna (The Netherlands), Planeta Brasil (Brazil), Shangai 99 (China), Éditions de l'Herne (France), Ivan Rotta (Finland), Alnari Publishing (Serbia), Libri Publishing (Hungary) and Destek Publishers (Turkey).

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