dilluns, 7 de novembre del 2011

'The Antiques Dealer' sold to Norway (Pantagruel Forlag)

'El anticuario' (The Antiques Dealer), by Julián Sánchez and published in Spain by RocaEditorial, will be published in Norway by Pantagruel Forlag. The novel has already been sold to 11 languages!

About El anticuario:

- ‘A compelling novel (...) in many ways superior to The Davinci CodeLibrary Journal (USA)
- ‘A lesson of good writing’ La Gazetta del Mezzogiorno (Italy)
- ‘A thriller that stands by the Barcelona of Ruiz Zafón and Falcones’ L’Unione (Italy)

This is a novel about a secret, a murder, a search, a love story and an adventure all over the streets of a mysterious Barcelona. A story of intrigue, suspense and search of the truth.

Playing with past an present, Julián Sánchez has written a fascinating novel of mystery and adventures in which the reader is literally swept away by the plot. The building of the Cathedral of Barcelona, a cold and ambitous killer, the kabbalistic tradition and the many secrets hidden in 15th C. Barcelona’s Jewish quarter will take the reader’s breath away to the very last page.

Rights sold:
German (RH/Limes Verlag), Dutch (Uit. Q), Italian (Einaudi Stile Libero), Portuguese/Brazil (Record), Polish (Swiat K.), Greek (Livanis), Russian (AST), Czech (Jota), Romanian (Allfa), Chinese (Shangai 99) and Norwegian (Pantagruel).

El Anticuario (The Antiques Dealer), by Julián Sánchez - Starred review from Library Journal (USA):

Sánchez prefaces this compelling novel with the assertion that some of the events described are real, which, combined with Sánchez’s fine writing, lends this book a delicious plausibility. Antiquarian Artur Aiguader’s confidential connections enable him to corner the market on superb acquisitions in Barcelona, but now is the time of reckoning. Artur is murdered, but shortly beforehand he had sent a letter to his adopted son, the acclaimed writer Enrique Alonso, directing him to a certain book in the event of his death. Determined to find both the murderer and the secret of the book for which Artur gave his life, Enrique soon finds himself caught up in a race to solve a perilous historical mystery before other forces do.

This latest addition to the Da Vinci Code readalikes is in many ways superior to it. While the ambit here is literary rather than artistic, the theology is far less controversial (kabbalistic rather than Gnostic), and the hint of magic is a delight. Sánchez respects the reader’s intelligence, reveals the necessary bits and plot twists at precisely the right intervals, and maintains perfect pace with multidimensional characters, which he wisely limits in number. Highly recommended for general interest bookstores and public libraries.
—Carolyn Kost, Stevenson Sch. Lib., Pebble Beach, CA

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