divendres, 19 de novembre del 2010

Quaderns Crema acquires now Catalan rights of 'Spring Collection', by György Spiró

Shortly after we announced the deal for Spanish rights with publishing house Acantilado, Quaderns Crema (its sister imprint publishing in Catalan) has also acquired translation rights of ‘Spring Collection’, the new novel by György Spiró, one of the most acclaimed and successful contemporary Hungarian writers.
The deal was made on behalf of Magveto Publishing House (Hungary).

“It’s not a bad idea for a man to get admitted to hospital a couple of days before a revolution breaks out, stay in until it’s been quashed and recuperate quietly at home during the ensuing purge.” These are the opening lines of György Spiró’s latest novel, Spring Collection, that presents the reader with a shocking picture of the 56 Hungarian Revolution.

Read more about 'Spring Collection' (here).

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