dilluns, 29 de març del 2010

Orlando Publishers (Netherlands) has acquired rights of 'Hierba Santa', by A. Scheiman

We are happy that Orlando Publishers (a new imprint of AW Bruna Publishers/The Netherlands) has acquired Dutch rights of 'Hierba Santa', by Alexandra Scheiman. The Bruna Group publishes important international authors in The Netherlands, and some of the most acclaimed Spanish speaking ones such as Carlos Ruiz Zafón, Marcelo Figueras or Guillermo Martínez.

'Hierba Santa' has been published by Planeta Mexico and, with echoes of Magic Realism, is a vivid homage to Frida Khalo, a woman who changed the course of modern art. 

In the novel we are told that all her life Frida kept a little notebook which she called 'The Book of Hierba Santa (Holy Herb)'. In it, she wrote down not only her thoughts and ideas but also many Mexican food receipes that she prepared every 'Día de Muertos' (Day of the Dead), a holiday celebrated in Mexico to pray for and remember friends and family members who have died. Traditions connected with the holiday include preparing the favorite foods and beverages of the departed, and visiting graves with these as gifts.

Some of Frida's favourite receipes are included in the novel towards the end of every chapter, so apart from enjoying the narrative and learning more abot Frida's life, readers can also try their culinary skills and pay their own homage to a woman that has become an icon of 20th century art and feminism.

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