Published this year in Sweden by Albert Bonniers, this novel was one of the hist of last Frankfurt Book Fair and it recently won the August Prize, awarded by the Swedish Booksellers Association.
The jury's motivation was as follows:

"With this collective novel, Steve Sem-Sandberg attends to a specific chapter in the annals of World War II: the Jewish ghetto in the Polish city of Lodz (west of Warsaw), its origin, organisation and heartbreaking conditions under Nazi supervision. It is a story that is told after all the tears have dried, depicted in an almost dry and unsentimental style, a balancing act between fact and fiction that with a basis in the (authentic) Ghetto Chronicles 1941-44, portrays a series of individual destinies with strong integrity, also when they waver or fail".
SalmaiaLit handles Spanish, Portuguese (Portugal & Brazil) and Catalan Languages rights. We are happy that (with this last deal in Portugal) we have managed to get deals with good publishers in all these territories.
All other rights are handled from Sweden by Joakim Hansson at Nordin Agency. Up to now, the following publishers have already acquired rights:
Brazil (Companhia das Letras), Canada (Anansi), Catalonia (La Campana), Czech Republic (Paseka), Denmark (Gyldendal), Finland (Like) France (Robert Laffont), Germany (Klett-Cotta), Greece (Patakis), Israel (Kinneret), Italy (Marsilio Editore), The Netherlands (Ambo Anthos), Norway (Aschehoug), Poland (Wydawnictwo Literackie), Portugal (Dom Quixote), Russia (Corpus), Spain (Literatura Mondadori/ RHM Group), UK (Faber & Faber), USA (Farrar, Strauss & Giroux).
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